Investor's cabinet
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Investment Address from the Governor - 2020

Report of the Governor of the region Yevgeny Savchenko on the results of the activities of the Regional Government in 2019

Dear deputies of the Belgorod Regional Duma! Dear friends! 2019 was marked by the 65th anniversary of the Belgorod region. Summing up the results of the jubilee year, first of all I want to express my sincere words of gratitude to all the residents of the Belgorod region, who with their worthy work ensured a high level of economic and social development of our region. We have done thousands of good deeds. And as a result, our region has been ranked 5th in the quality of life rating for the third year in a row. Of course, the drivers of the ongoing positive processes are 12 national projects initiated by Russian President Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin. Already the first year of their implementation has shown how effective such a targeted approach is in solving both current and future development tasks of the region. By the end of 2019, the target values were achieved for 9 national projects. Non-fulfillment in two directions is due to the following circumstances. According to "Health care", this is an insufficient number of departures.
The agro-industrial complex of the region does not give up its leadership positions in the Russian Federation. Growth has been achieved in all the main indicators of production.
The agro-industrial complex of the region does not give up its leadership positions in the Russian Federation. Growth has been achieved in all the main indicators of production. The Belgorod Region confidently ranks 2nd in Russia after the Krasnodar Territory in terms of production in agricultural enterprises.
It is gratifying that our farmers are confidently entering international markets. Exports of agricultural products for the first time amounted to almost $ 400 million last year, which is 6.7% higher than the target.
A few words about the results of the development of small and medium-sized businesses, which plays an exceptional role in ensuring the socio-economic stability of society. It is no coincidence that this is one of the main directions of the state economic policy allocated to a separate national project. In 2019, the My Business Center was created in the region, which provides entrepreneurs with access to services, services and support measures. The Center's services were used by 5.5 thousand small and medium-sized businesses and individuals. And the volume of state aid, as you can see on the slide, is very significant, they are measured in billions of rubles, so I urge entrepreneurs to use this important resource even more actively.
It is thanks to the effective support of entrepreneurs, especially beginners, that our region has one of the lowest unemployment rates in the country, and what is especially important – it is in rural areas. The Belogorye Family Farms program has been successfully implemented here for many years.
More than 50 thousand people are involved in it today. Of these, 7.5 thousand rural workers are united in agricultural cooperatives, the number of which has already reached 160. In addition, within the framework of the well-known regional program "500/10 000" (you remember what we are talking about), more than 2 thousand jobs have been opened in rural areas in two years. 218 projects with an investment volume of 2.3 billion rubles have been completed. More than a year ago, the region joined the federal program "Integrated development of single-industry towns– - territories of advanced socio-economic development. Gubkinsky City District became a participant of the program, which during the year managed to take a leading position among single-industry towns in Russia in attracting investments.
And in total, in accordance with the regional investment development plan, a pool of 136 ready-made investment solutions has been formed in the region today. Investors are waiting for almost 300 investment sites provided with infrastructure, including technoparks.
And as a result of the assessment of our investment activity: last year we took 2nd place in the rating of investment attractiveness of Russian regions and 8th place in the National Rating of the investment climate in the subjects of the Russian Federation. Not bad, but there is still a lot to strive for.
Dear deputies! The successful development of the economy, as well as the favorable conjuncture of world markets, positively influenced the execution of budgets, both regional and consolidated. Please note: the revenues of the consolidated budget of the region increased by 5.6% and amounted to almost 120 billion rubles. Expenses increased by 17% (124 billion rubles).
We have also achieved positive dynamics on the state debt of the regional budget. We used to be criticized, and probably there were reasons for this, for the high debt burden of our budget, and it really reached 110% of the regional budget revenues in 2012 and 2013. But as of January 1, 2020, the situation has completely changed. The state debt was reduced by 3.3 billion rubles last year alone, and its share in the volume of regional budget revenues decreased almost three times, to 38%.

Dear colleagues! The success of the region is largely determined by the advanced development of engineering and transport infrastructure, primarily roads, as well as the volume of construction and housing affordability. 

21.5 billion rubles were spent in road construction last year. And this is a record. The growth for the year is almost 5 billion rubles. 

By the way, I would like to congratulate all of us on the successful completion of the seven-year program of modernization of trunk roads, within which all district centers were connected by modern roads with a total length of more than 600 km, including 200 km in four-lane design and with night lighting. The total cost of this program was over 51 billion rubles. By the way, I would like to emphasize at the same time that the large external borrowings that I mentioned above were made by us in previous years precisely for the successful implementation of this program. The risk was justified.

Last year, according to the national project "Housing and urban environment", 1 million 260 thousand square meters of housing were put into operation, most of which are individual. The targets have been achieved. The problem of deceived shareholders has been practically solved. Questions still remain about 29 Belgorod residents who suffered from the actions of fraudsters and were left without the promised housing, but these issues will be resolved within a year. As for housing affordability, the project "New Life" was aimed at this, which has gained great popularity, especially among young people. By the way, this project is included in the list of the best social practices of the Federal Agency for Strategic Initiatives.

In 2019, all planned investment programs to improve the sustainability and reliability of energy and gas supply in the region were also implemented. Moreover, the power engineers commissioned the first digital substation in Russia in the Belgorod region, which, by the way, was noted by the President of Russia in his annual address. And Gazprom Public Joint Stock Company has launched the construction of a gas trunk pipeline - a bypass of the city of Belgorod - with a total cost of more than 6 billion rubles, which removes the issues of gas supply shortages in the Belgorod agglomeration. And finally, the Kvadra thermal company has started the modernization of the Gubkin thermal power plant, which will be completed this year.

Another important innovation of the reporting year is the construction of filling stations for the conversion of motor vehicles to gas-powered fuel. In addition to the existing 7 CNG stations, 19 more refueling complexes were built last year. I would like to note that for these purposes the Belgorod Region received almost a quarter of the total amount of federal subsidies designed for all regions of Russia. And we occupy a leading position in the country in the conversion of motor vehicles to gas fuel. 

I want to draw the attention of those who have not yet decided whether to switch to gas engine fuel, I answer: definitely worth it! Fuel costs are reduced by 2.5-3 times. Atmospheric pollution is reduced tenfold. And besides, for such cars, the transport tax rates are reduced by half. So it makes sense.

Dear colleagues! The long-awaited positive changes last year were carried out in the field of passenger transportation in most municipalities. And in the city of Belgorod and the Belgorod region, a "Unified transport Company" was formed and a radical restructuring of passenger transportation began on the basis of studying and mastering the experience of the best world practices.

The changes also affected the housing and communal services of the region, where we have embarked on a large-scale modernization in two directions. 

First, the region joined in the reform of municipal solid waste and without any shake-up took a leading position in Russia on the organization of a new system of collection and removal of municipal waste. Three garbage transportation stations have been built, containers and container sites for waste collection have been replaced, and perhaps the most modern waste processing complex in Russia has been built in the city of Gubkin.

Secondly, the reorganization of the water management complex of the region has been completed. The regional water utility was formed, which united 20 water utilities of municipalities. For the first time, almost a billion rubles have been disbursed for water supply and sanitation. And most importantly, an agreement has been signed with the Federal Housing and Communal Services Reform Fund for the modernization of wastewater disposal facilities. This is in Belgorod, Novy Oskol, a builder worth 1 billion rubles. A similar agreement is being prepared for the city of Stary Oskol. 

As before, the region pays great attention to the improvement of settlements. The federal project "Formation of a comfortable urban environment" is being successfully implemented. Our architectural solutions for the improvement of public areas take prizes and receive additional funding. The living space of the Belgorod region is constantly being updated and becoming modern and comfortable, for which I want to sincerely thank our architects, designers and builders on behalf of all residents of the region.

A lot of work has been done in the field of the introduction of digital services and services. A new technological and design look has been acquired by our centers for the provision of public services on the principle of "one window", the so-called multifunctional centers (MFC), now united into a single regional structure. The region ranked 9th in the country in terms of the quality of providing state and municipal services in electronic form. Although 2-3 years ago we were outsiders. 

Positive changes have also taken place in the social and labor sphere.

Registered unemployment has decreased over the past year. 

The real incomes of the population have increased. But we are not the leaders in the country by all indicators. There are also some in which we lag significantly behind others. For example, in terms of poverty, alcohol consumption, and crime, the region has one of the lowest indicators in the country. And we cannot but rejoice at this.

Dear colleagues! All our efforts in the real sector of the economy and infrastructure modernization are ultimately aimed at a person, his well-being, a decent quality of life, comfortable well-being in material, physical, social and, most importantly, emotionally.

If we rank the problems that concern Belgorod residents, then the situation in healthcare is of the greatest concern. The national project "Healthcare" is aimed at their solution. Without idealizing the situation in medicine as a whole, however, in fairness, I want to note that a lot has been done in the healthcare system in recent years, and the situation is slowly changing for the better. This is eloquently evidenced by the data of surveys of citizens on the availability of medical services. According to this indicator, our region ranks first in the Central Federal District. And I think that this is a great merit of Belgorod doctors.

For three years we have been putting things in order in the primary health care, implementing the project "Health Management". And last year it was successfully completed, we put our healthcare on a solid foundation of family medicine - the medicine of another of the first ministers of health Semashko. 779 family doctor's offices were organized in the region, and they turned out to be the most popular among our population. They provide up to 80% of completed medical services. And most importantly, the residents of the region now know who to turn to for medical help: a family doctor. Our experience in the modernization of primary health care has been approved and supported at the federal level. 

Continuing the conversation about healthcare, I would like to inform the distinguished assembly that last year we focused our efforts on those areas that gave the greatest mortality. And this is oncology and cardiology.

The infrastructure of oncological care has been expanded: three outpatient oncological care centers have been established in the cities of Belgorod and Stary Oskol. As a result, more Belgorod residents were examined in a timely manner and received the opportunity for early treatment of oncological diseases, which means they gained chances for healing. As a result, the mortality rate from malignant neoplasms decreased by 6.7% over the year. 

As for cardiovascular diseases, we managed to create a system of round-the-clock ECG counseling for ambulance crews on the basis of the regional clinical hospital. Implement a hardware and software complex that allows online diagnosis and assistance during the so-called "golden hour". Along with this, our regional hospital became the first in the Central Federal District to introduce an operative method of treating arrhythmia – the so-called cryoablation of the heart. The Starooskolsky Vascular center "Heart Clinic" has started operating at full capacity. And as a result: mortality from cardiovascular diseases for the first time in a year has decreased by almost 10%, to be more precise, by 9.9%.

Our large investments in the construction of perinatal centers in the past years and the modernization of the maternity care system were not in vain and allowed us to obtain an important socio-demographic result. Namely, according to the level of infant mortality, we reached the world's best indicators for the first time last year – 3 cases per 1000 births. In addition, the mortality rate of children under the age of 17 has decreased by a third, and the effectiveness of treatment of children with cancer has increased. 

Dear colleagues, large investments have been made in the healthcare infrastructure. In total, 4.3 billion rubles were spent in the industry last year. This is 2.5 billion more than in the previous year. 42 built, overhauled and reconstructed medical facilities were put into operation, and all polyclinics began to operate in a lean mode, which significantly improved the quality of service to residents of the region.

Last year, the reconstruction of the city hospital No. 2 was completed, which has now acquired the status of a regional emergency hospital. By the way, I want to share some good news. At the end of the year, this hospital received high recognition – the federal certificate "Quality and safety of medical activity", developed by Rosgoszdrav taking into account international standards. There are only 35 such medical organizations in the country. But I think that one of the next ones will be the regional clinical hospital of the Belgorod region. 

As for demographic indicators. Unfortunately, they have been declining for the third year in a row. And although we managed to compensate for the natural decline of the population with a migration influx in 2019, we cannot constantly rely only on migration. 

Of course, we hope for measures to stimulate the birth rate, which were proposed by the President of the Russian Federation in his January address. And together with our complex of events, I am sure they will give positive results.

Dear friends! Of course, physical health, as you know, is determined by more than one medicine. A strong friendship with physical education, sports and what we call a healthy lifestyle is necessary. And for this, a sports infrastructure is needed. Despite the fact that the region occupies a leading position in the country in this indicator, nevertheless, we have built, repaired, modernized sports facilities and will continue to do so.

And in the reporting year, the construction of significant sports facilities was also started. This is a multifunctional sports arena in the city of Belgorod for 10 thousand spectators and a sports and recreation complex with an ice rink in the village of Maysky, Belgorod district, which is financed by Gazprom Public Joint stock Company as part of the Gazprom for Children social program. This is the tenth facility that Gazprom will build in the region, for which we are very grateful to this respected company. Both of these facilities – the sports arena in Belgorod and the FOK in May - will be introduced this year. Separate words of gratitude are addressed to Metalloinvest, which took over half of the financing for the construction of a sports arena in the city of Belgorod, and this is no less than 2 billion rubles. 

Building up the sports infrastructure will allow us to increase the share of citizens systematically engaged in physical education and sports to 50%.

Dear friends! Last year, a large-scale regional strategy "Benevolent School" was launched. Its task: firstly, to form a modern educational environment in all schools, and secondly, to provide a comfortable, safe, psychologically healthy atmosphere for students, teachers and parents, imbuing it with deep, healthy moral content. 

These changes are long overdue, and I want to express my gratitude first of all to all the teachers of the region who creatively approached the development of the "Friendly School" strategy and are actively involved in its implementation at the moment. 

And on the part of the regional Government, in turn, all necessary measures were taken to ensure resource support for this strategy. And they were carried out in the following areas. 

First. 3 new schools were built last year for 1,350 places.

Second. More than 2.5 thousand additional places in kindergartens have been introduced. As a result, the availability of preschool education for children aged 1.5 to 3 years was 96.5%. 

The third. 33 schools and 23 kindergartens were overhauled last year, and at the expense of federal funds, in accordance with the national project "Education", the material and technical base of schools, including correctional ones, has been seriously strengthened.

Fourth. Last year we managed to improve the situation with baby food. Indicators of hot food coverage are higher than all-Russian values. 

Fifth. The most important decision of the past year was to increase teachers' salaries by 25% from September 1, and for classroom management, we also increased the allowance by five thousand rubles per month from September 1. I would like to draw your attention to the fact that we have fulfilled the President's instructions regarding the salary increase for classroom management ahead of schedule.

Thus, the regional Government has done everything for the successful launch of the "Friendly School" strategy in 2019 and its equally successful continuation in subsequent years. 

Further. Dear colleagues! Realizing the importance and necessity of training professional personnel, a year ago we adopted a three-year program of modernization of professional educational organizations with a total cost of almost 6 billion rubles. And last year, 21 facilities were repaired in the amount of 1.2 billion rubles. 

Considerable funds of employers and the federal budget have been allocated for the re-equipment of the educational and laboratory facilities. And I want to sincerely express my gratitude and appreciation to our esteemed partners - entrepreneurs-employers - for generous investments in the present and future of the economy of our region.

Thanks to your participation, the list of educational programs in vocational education organizations has been updated by 20% over the past year. The share of teachers and masters younger than 40 years is more than 1/3. Their wages increased by 15.5%. Free hot meals for students are organized. As a result, more than half of ninth grade graduates today seek to enroll in technical schools and colleges. And that's good. 

I hope that our employers will support another important social measure to help Belgorod students. I propose that from September 1, 2020, for all full-time students of organizations of higher and secondary vocational education, a single social travel card (ESP) should be introduced for travel in urban public transport on the same principle as for other privileged categories of citizens. Is such an initiative supported?

Therefore, I instruct the Department of Internal and Personnel Policy and all industry departments, together with our wonderful employers, to work out this issue, and then we will consider all its aspects in detail at one of the meetings of the regional Government. 

And now I ask for special attention, dear friends. The main event in the scientific life of the country last year was the creation of five regional world-class scientific and educational centers. And the Belgorod Region is among these five subjects. The specialization of our Center is "Innovative solutions in the agro-industrial complex". The Scientific and Educational Center united Belgorod and Russian universities, leading scientific organizations of the country and large enterprises of the region in its structure. The role of coordinator of all this work was assumed by the Regional Government.

In a matter of months, the following work has been carried out: a management system for the scientific and educational center has been created, five research platforms have been organized, 22 projects with a total cost of 1.3 billion rubles have been approved and launched. The Belgorod Scientific and Educational Center has started working. And its main goal is obvious: to transfer the economy of the region, primarily the agro-industrial complex, to a new paradigm of innovative development, to stop brain drain, to ensure the ever-growing competitiveness of human capital and our region as a whole.

Dear friends! The development of culture in the Belgorod region has always been highly appreciated by the residents of the region. And the reporting year was no exception. Suffice it to say that in terms of satisfaction with cultural services and conditions for creative activities, the Belgorod region occupies a leading position in the country. This is a great merit of cultural workers and all municipalities. By the way, our region has reached the highest indicator in the country in terms of the amount of funds allocated for the maintenance of culture – 4.3% of the gross regional product.  

New objects have appeared in the cultural space of the region. 

And thanks to the activity of the Board of Trustees of the "Prokhorov Field" under the leadership of Nikolai Ivanovich Ryzhkov, the construction of the museum "Battle for the Weapons of the Great Victory" has begun in Prokhorovka. Its opening is scheduled for May 9 this year. 

And one more touch about culture. Last year, a very important cultural and moral victory was won, which we have been striving for for many years. Belgorod Region received a prestigious award as the most reading region of the country and gained the title of "Literary flagship of Russia". With which I congratulate everyone. Dear friends! In the reporting year, we persistently continued to improve the management system in the region at all levels. Without weakening attention to project management, lean technologies have become widely used both in the public sector, government bodies, and in the real sector of the economy.

The Regional Government has created 15 competence centers for the introduction of lean technologies. In cooperation with the Federal Competence Center and Rosatom State Corporation, we managed to achieve a multifaceted effect: 

- firstly, economic - productivity at the participating enterprises of the project sometimes increases significantly, and the wages of employees are growing accordingly; 

- secondly, the social effect is improving the quality and availability of services, increasing the satisfaction of citizens; 

- thirdly, the personnel effect - the competence of specialists and entire teams is growing.

Our first successes in lean management have been recognized at the federal level. Thus, the Government of the Belgorod Region, the Belgorod Employment Center and Belgorod State University have acquired the status of federal-level models for the implementation of the Effective Region program. And according to the results of the sixth contest "Project Olympus", the Government of the Belgorod region took first place in the nomination "Projects in the field of lean management".
Dear deputies! A lot of work is being done in the region to involve citizens in active public life. And we were convinced that the residents of the region are not only waiting for positive changes, but most importantly, they are ready to be their active participants. Developing civic engagement, we have launched work in the following areas.

First. A multi-level system of public self-government has been created in the region. It is presented on the slide.

Second. The mechanism of grant support for numerous projects of civil activists, subjects of public self-government and non-profit organizations has been launched. And the volume of this support is already approaching 100 million rubles. 

The third. Electronic communications are widely used. Our platform "People's Expertise" continues to develop. Network communities of local and public self-government bodies have appeared and are working. We intend to further increase and encourage all forms and directions of healthy civic activity, because we are extremely interested in increasing the level of cooperation between authorities and residents of the region. We have a firm understanding that only through joint efforts we will solve acute issues of concern to citizens faster and implement useful initiatives. And these are the bricks from which the solidary society of our region is being built and formed.

In this regard, the experience of Belgorod in organizing 27 district administrations – small municipal structures as close as possible to residents and their problems deserves attention and support. 

Dear deputies! At the end of my report, I want to say that 2019 will go down in the history of the region as a year of active creation and creative search for new vectors of development of Belgorod region. The main achievements over the past year are chronologically set out in the chronicle book "Belogorye - the region of your achievements". You will receive it today. I believe that this almanac should not only be sent to libraries, but also handed over with a gift inscription to every Belgorod resident who glorified the region in the jubilee year. They are invited to today's report, and many of them, I see, are in this room. Let's welcome the outstanding residents of Belgorod in 2019. Thank you!

Dear friends! This is the end of the report, but I will not deviate from the tradition. I will share with you my plans for 2020. By the way it started, the current year will be unusual in many ways. But for analysts and those with good intuition, there is nothing unusual. New technologies are changing the world, and humanity as a whole is changing: from the cult of profit and material consumption, which are killing our planet, there is a reversal in the direction of realizing the possibilities of each person. In other words, from a society of material consumption, unrestrained consumption, which has already gone beyond the limits of the ecological possibilities of the planet, the world is moving to another matrix of development - the matrix of creative, spiritual development of society, which has no boundaries. 

For, as we know, there is no limit to perfection. Proceeding from this, without contradicting the logic of global changes, we will continue to build Belgorod region as a territory of harmony, justice and creative development.

The region will continue to increase its economic potential based primarily on the introduction of innovative technologies. A number of new enterprises will be introduced and dozens of investment projects will be implemented at existing enterprises. A special priority is the development of industrial parks, and we already have 7 of them. Together with resource-supplying organizations, we will remove all infrastructure restrictions. So, literally today, the gas distribution station in Mayskoye has been modernized, which removes all questions about the gas consumption of the Belgorod agglomeration. We used to have big problems with this.

We will reformat the support of entrepreneurs towards transparency and openness, for which the departments of economic development and internal and personnel policy of the region need to make maximum use of the capabilities of our multifunctional centers. And first of all, to regulate numerous non-tax payments, which no regulatory guillotine has yet managed. And we, through multifunctional centers, will achieve transparency on a gratuitous basis in the relationship between business and regulatory and other structures. In the interests, of course, of entrepreneurs. 

However, a serious challenge awaits us in the economic sphere. And you can all guess what we are talking about – this is a shortage of personnel, personnel of mass professions. 

The need of employers for employees at the beginning of this year is almost 26 thousand people, and the unemployed registered in employment centers are about 4 thousand people. As you can see, the deficit is more than 20 thousand.

Какие пути решения мы видим?

First, it is necessary to increase labor productivity at enterprises, robotize production, and introduce lean technologies. We should increase the output per employee in the real sector of the economy by at least 1.5 times in the next 3-5 years.

Secondly, we should work even more actively and closely with vocational education organizations. And above all average. 

Thirdly, we will encourage the cooperation of regional enterprises with the Federal Penitentiary Service to attract labor resources, as the Agro-Belogorye company and other enterprises are already doing. I ask no one to count on labor migration. The only exception may be seasonal work.

On the other hand, we are still concerned about "gray employment" and tax evasion. Therefore, together with the tax service, we will only increase our efforts to legalize and transparency of labor and financial relations in the economic sphere. According to the most conservative estimates, the consolidated budget of the region for this reason does not receive from 5 to 7 billion rubles annually, and this is exactly the figure that will be able to cover the deficit of the regional budget for the current year. And this meets the principles of justice. We are often reminded about taking such measures by conscientious entrepreneurs, who are the majority in our region and who are interested in creating an honest competitive business environment in the space of our region.

Dear colleagues! An unprecedented huge amount this year is allocated for the construction, reconstruction and overhaul of social facilities – more than 12 billion rubles, of which 2.5 billion rubles - from the federal budget to finance national projects. It is planned to complete the work and provide commissioning at 486 facilities. For comparison: last year we built and commissioned 295 after major repairs. I am sure that Belgorod builders will cope with the upcoming volume of work.

In accordance with the national project "Housing and Urban Environment", it is planned to introduce 1.3 million square meters of housing this year. About 85% of them are individual. But here it is necessary to take into account one very important circumstance – the number of developers who themselves had the opportunity to build a house for themselves has recently decreased by 3-4 times. And this is understandable – it's just that most of them have satisfied their needs. But the number of those who want to buy their own house and live in it is growing, including buying with the help of mortgages and preferential loans. 

In this regard, the Department of Construction and municipalities of the region need to create all conditions in each district for developers and investors to work on the construction of individual housing. Ensure a healthy competitive environment at the same time. Promptly solve all issues with the allocation of land, provision of infrastructure, construction permits and many others.

I draw attention to the use of budgetary opportunities in housing construction. So, significantly more than in previous years, funds are allocated for the resettlement of citizens from emergency homes this year - almost 500 million rubles, plus more than 400 million rubles to provide housing for orphaned children, which is also more than before. In this regard, I ask the departments of housing and communal services and construction, together with the heads of municipalities, to master these funds in a timely manner, providing at the same time high-quality housing for almost a thousand Belgorod residents - over 600 citizens living in emergency homes today, and 300 orphans.

Let me also remind you that for a number of villages of important historical significance, as well as located directly at the state border, there is a special preferential housing lending regime. And you know all this very well. We started this project in the village of Vatutino, Valuysky city district, in the homeland of N.F. Vatutin, the famous commander. And this, by the way, is another reserve for increasing the volume of housing construction. And I ask the Department of the agro-industrial complex to provide those who wish to build in these villages with preferential loans for doing business.

The Construction Department also needs to continue the "New Life" project, which has become popular, using for refinancing the funds that were previously allocated from the regional budget to support this project.

I have no doubt that with systematic and creative work, we will fulfill the control figures of the national project this year. As always, dear friends, a lot of work is to be done in road construction this year. 

And in case of early fulfillment of the indicators of the national project "Safe and high-quality highways", which I have no doubt, we can count on additional financing of road construction at the expense of federal funds. The landmark object of this year is a modern four-lane road with night lighting to Prokhorovka with a length of almost 40 kilometers, which we are obliged to complete by May 9. By the way, this road is being built by the personal decision of the President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin for federal funds – more than 4 billion rubles have been allocated for it.

The program with the symbolic name "Upgrade of the Starooskolsky city district" has been implemented for the third year. It is executed successfully. I am convinced that the final year of this program will be no less successful, for which I want to thank the administration of the Starooskolsky district. We see that the Starooskolskaya territory is rapidly changing its appearance. I think we will sum up the results of the three-year anniversary at the Komsomolets Starooskolsky Palace of Culture, in the unique restoration of which the Builder company (head – Nikolay Konstantinovich Gavrilov, deputy of the regional Duma) invests more than 1 billion rubles of private funds with the help of Stoilensky GOK. Many thanks to Nikolai Konstantinovich. I think this is an example worthy of imitation.

Dear friends! This year we are launching a large-scale comprehensive program "Rural Water". Its complexity lies in the fact that in each village everything will be built or repaired at the same time – wells, water supply networks, water treatment and sanitation facilities, as well as repair of existing wells. And with the use of high-quality modern materials. This program is long overdue. The method of "patching holes" in the water supply of villages, which was practiced earlier, gave only a temporary effect and has long been exhausted. I think that this program will be designed for us for 5 - maximum 7 years. 

Without departing far from the topic of housing and communal services, I want to make a proposal concerning the citizens as well.

Recently, we analyzed, using the example of budget organizations, what kind of gift the weather gave us this winter. Heating costs, we have calculated, have been reduced in budget institutions by almost a quarter. In this regard, I ask the housing and communal services department to work out the issue with management companies and resource organizations and make an appropriate recalculation for heating to residents of apartment buildings where people pay not by the meter, but by the standard. I think it will be fair.

This year, dear colleagues, there is a lot of work to be done to create a comfortable urban environment. For these purposes, almost 1 billion rubles are allocated from budgets of all levels alone. In addition, the city of Shebekino recently won a competition for the best project worth 75 million rubles– which is why we congratulate the residents of Shebekino. Moreover, for us there has been no difference in the improvement between the city and the village for a long time. The boundaries of our efforts to restore order and landscaping, as you know, coincide with the borders of the Belgorod region. This year alone, it is planned to plant more than 100 thousand trees and shrubs along the roads, install new lighting on 194 km of rural streets, simultaneously with the repair of roads in settlements, make at least 10 thousand paved entrances to private households. In this regard, I would like to encourage residents of villages and district centers to actively participate in the improvement of their farmsteads in accordance with the developed projects.

In the development of the social sphere, we will focus all resources: financial, organizational, human resources - on achieving the targets provided for by national projects. At the same time, we will continue working on those programs that have a purely regional registration. And I come back to the implementation of the "Friendly School" strategy - the main direction of the application of the forces of the Department of Education and the heads of administrations of municipalities of the region.

Our task is to make the school a territory of kindness, joy, creativity, a second home, where you want to run and where you don't want to leave. And we will purposefully create such an atmosphere in every educational institution. We have all the tools for this work. What are these tools? We will add the same number to the 100 schools operating full-time today by the end of the year. Let's start rebuilding the system of additional education. We will eliminate bureaucratic obstacles in the educational environment. We will strengthen the methodological and psychological services of schools. We will increase teachers' salaries by 20% from September 1. And, of course, we will support projects of good deeds that teach both children and adults to do good deeds.

For the Department of Health and Social Protection of the population of the region, with all the variety of tasks, the most important is to further improve the quality of primary health care and, above all, family medicine, offices of family doctors. I ask the Department of Health and personally the heads of municipalities to ensure 100% staffing of all offices of family doctors with general practitioners.

Dear colleagues! The regional government, in cooperation with trade unions, will continue working this year to increase wages at enterprises in our region. Although employers themselves understand this more and more, and in general, no one has to be persuaded anymore. We all need to remember the words of Robert Bosch, the founder of BOSCH, who said: "I pay a good salary not because I have a lot of money. I have a lot of money because I pay a good salary." I think we will make a small stencil with these words and on the birthday of each manager we will present such a sign so that it can be presented in the office.

Dear friends! I can't help but touch on another very important topic: many families and residents of the region, due to various life circumstances, live uneasily, sometimes very difficult. I'll give you one fresh example from real life. The mother of three school-age children works as a nurse, lives in a house that was pledged by a bank and is alienated by a court decision. What to do in such cases? You don't have to interfere, because everything is done according to the law. I think that in such cases we should act not formally, but according to conscience. And that means solving the problem. In this regard, I propose to create a permanent working group at the Public Chamber of the region with the participation of our Ombudsmen for Human Rights and children's Rights to consider such and similar emergencies. We have to solve them.

On the other hand, dear friends, modern man experiences enormous stresses that result in depression, sometimes alcohol abuse, severe physical ailments and even suicides. This is often associated with a heavy emotional atmosphere, especially at work and in labor collectives in general. 

I believe that along with lean technologies, we should develop and launch mechanisms for assessing the emotional state in labor collectives and, if necessary, take measures to improve their health. I am sure that we will get no less effect than from the introduction of lean technologies. We will take similar measures in societies, our settlements and cities, where residents' complaints about various problems have become more frequent, and especially about the violation of silence at night and during the day.

Aggression cannot be destroyed by aggression. It can be leveled only by mandatory compliance with the established rules, and it can only be finally defeated by kindness and love. Let's remember this eternal law and make a cycle of love and mercy in the Belgorod region together, and then there will be more happy people in our native land. 

Dear friends! This year our country will celebrate a glorious date in its heroic chronicle – the 75th anniversary of the Great Victory. Today we are actively preparing for this significant anniversary. I ask all Belgorod residents to take constant care of our dear veterans.

I am sure that the celebration of the Victory anniversary in the Belgorod region will be nationwide. On the eve of the sacred date, I would like to express my sincere gratitude in a special way to the great generation of Winners who gave us the right to happiness. Therefore, an idea was born, which, I hope, will find a response in the hearts of Belgorod residents – to perpetuate our "Belgorod Immortal Regiment" and create an additional electronic version of it. I ask the Department of Internal Policy to create an appropriate electronic platform as soon as possible and urge all residents of the region to participate in its filling. And I also take the initiative to establish a Day of Remembrance and Glory of the fallen in the Great Patriotic War in the region. And I propose to make the heroic date of the Prokhorov tank battle – July 12 – a day off.

Dear residents of the Belgorod region, dear fellow countrymen! Today our country is going through a crucial turning point – it is preparing to adopt amendments to the basic law of the country – the Constitution of the Russian Federation. Each of you can become a part of history and express your civic position. To support Russia's course for renewal. To consolidate the high social standards of the state's development. Ensure the constitutional protection of traditional family values and the human right to a decent life. Today we have a chance to defend the sovereignty of the country and vote for a new Constitution of Russia that meets the spirit of the times. Let's not stay away from this epochal event. Together, on April 22, we will express our will, the will of Belgorod residents for a decent life in a strong, prosperous state. Dear Belgorod residents! Dear friends! You see people, veterans of the Great Patriotic War, who gave us the right to well-being and happiness and are moral guidelines for us.

A source:

Investment Address from the Governor - 2019

Report of the Governor of the region Evgeny Savchenko on the results of the activities of the Government of the region in 2018

Dear deputies of the regional Duma! Dear invitees!

The past year 2018, the year of the 75th anniversary of the Battle of Kursk and the Prokhorovka tank battle, was generally successful for the Belgorod Region. Almost all of our plans and commitments have been fulfilled.

The region in the all-Russian ratings at the end of 2018 is as follows. The region is recognized as the safest and most law-abiding in Russia. For the second year in a row, Belgorod region occupies the 1st place in the implementation of programs for the overhaul of apartment buildings. The region is in the top five subjects of the country with minimal investment risks. Our project management system in government bodies was recognized as the best according to the results of the All-Russian competition "Project Olympus 2018".

And as the main indicator - the Belgorod region is in 5th place in the country in terms of the quality of life of the population. This is the final score. By the way, a year ago we were also in 5th place.

The main economic indicators for 2018 slightly exceeded those that we had planned.

The index of industrial production amounted to 105.1%. The volume of gross regional product is 103.7%, and per capita it increased by 7.8%. I am proud to emphasize that of the 239 best domestic products marked with the Russian Quality Mark, almost every 10th is of Belgorod origin.

There is something to be proud of and agricultural workers, where a record was set in terms of gross output - 245 billion rubles, this is the 2nd place in Russia after the Krasnodar Territory. A good harvest was harvested - almost 3.5 million tons of grains and legumes with an average yield of 48.2 centners per hectare. Not a record harvest, but very worthy. However, another record was set in the cultivation of soybeans - more than 570 thousand tons with a record yield for the country of 24.8 centners per hectare.

The region remains the largest meat producer. Milk was received by 30 thousand tons more than last year. Egg production has increased, greenhouse production is actively developing.

As a result: 1st place in the country in terms of agricultural production per 1 hectare of arable land - 160 thousand rubles and per inhabitant of the region - 148.5 thousand rubles. I want to congratulate the workers of the agro-industrial complex on the results achieved.

In 2018, industrial production was purposefully supported. Work has begun on the creation of the Fabrika industrial park, where in three years it is planned to place at least 30 resident enterprises and organize 1.5 thousand jobs.

As part of the implementation of the 500/10 thousand project, 96 projects were implemented for the amount of 638 million rubles, 424 jobs were created. I note that the project was among the winners of the All-Russian competition of best practices and initiatives for the socio-economic development of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation. In Sochi, we were awarded the corresponding prize.

To attract investments in the promotion of new projects, start-ups and ideas in the region, the Investment Showcase financial platform was created with a direct investment mechanism with full protection of the interests of investors and initiators. A new regional support mechanism has been introduced - a special investment contract. Its rules have been approved, which provide for reduced property tax rates for participating organizations. On the basis of the Razvitie Corporation, the Boiling Point - Belgorod space was launched and an annual startup fair was organized jointly with the regional Association of Business Angels.

In addition, last year, under the federal program "Monotowns of Russia", by the decision of the Government of the country, the territory of advanced socio-economic development "Gubkin" was created in the region. Unprecedented tax benefits and other measures to stimulate business activity have been adopted for residents of the Gubkinsky City District at the regional and municipal levels. We invite entrepreneurs to take advantage of this opportunity. Hurry up, the time for the invitation of residents is limited.

Over the past year, 7,400 new jobs were created in the region.

The level of registered unemployment in the region was 0.68%, which is 0.2% lower than in the country.

And one more good news. The Belgorod Region took first place in the country in assessing the effectiveness of the activities of the executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation in achieving high rates of building up the economic and tax potential of the territories. Growth in two years amounted to 148%, almost one and a half times. The largest contribution was made by enterprises of the mining and metallurgical complex, agricultural holdings, small and medium-sized businesses.

Growth in budget revenues allowed us to reduce our debt burden by a quarter, by almost 10 billion rubles.

I would also like to respond to reproaches against us that we have the highest taxes on individuals. This is not entirely true. We are in the Central Federal District somewhere in the golden mean. The region ranks 8th in transport tax, 5th in land tax, 2nd in personal property tax. This is due to the exceptionally high provision of the region's population with housing per person; in fact, we are leaders in the country.

Positive financial results were also promoted by a set of measures to curb the "shadow" economy, combat illegal labor relations, ensure the completeness of payment of payments, reduce debt on payments to the budget and other areas. Due to these measures, which we have been very actively implementing for several years, over the past year, additional revenues to the consolidated budget of the region amounted to 4 billion rubles.

Dear friends! For many years we have been actively working on creating a comfortable living environment for Belgorod residents, improving and planting greenery in our cities and villages. The public council "Belgorod region - a man-made park" is constantly held.

A highlight of 2018 was the launch of the Belgorod Lilac project. A center for its selection and reproduction has been established. The first Belgorod lilac festival is planned to be held in May this year. And the Belgorod forum on landscape architecture and environmental design "Green Capital" was awarded the gold diploma of the national landscape architecture award.

 Standards for a comfortable urban environment are being actively formed. Three of them have already been approved last year. These are the standards for the improvement of gas stations, roads and the quality of housing for cities. 4 more will be approved in the near future: these are the standards for the improvement of individual housing estates, courtyards, street improvement and landscaping.

In 2018, the architectural and urban planning council of the region began its activities, where all projects are now considered, as a rule, in 3D format. The “two keys” rule has been introduced, when any urban planning decision cannot be made only at one level of government - municipal or regional, which made it possible to exclude point and dense development and failure by developers to fulfill their obligations.

The region actively participated in the implementation of the federal project "Formation of a comfortable urban environment" in 2017-2018. In two years, 142 territories were landscaped (114 yards, 26 public spaces, 2 parks). The amount of funding is over 1 billion rubles, of which half comes from the federal budget, and half from the regional budget.

As always, housing construction was actively carried out in the region. More than 1.2 million sq. meters of housing, including more than 1 million square meters. meters (85%) - individual. 7880 individual houses were built.

I repeat, the region is in 3rd place in Russia in terms of housing per inhabitant - we have 30.6 sq. m. meters per person. The average provision in the country is 24.9 square meters. meters per person.

Last year in Belgorod a unique project "New Life" successfully started and aroused great interest. Its uniqueness lies in the fact that it was young people who got the opportunity to purchase housing, because traditional mortgages were not available to them. Therefore, the geography of the project has been expanded: work has begun on the New Life project in Starooskolsky, Alekseevsky, Valuysky, Novooskolsky, Shebekinsky urban districts and Borisovsky district.

In addition, starting this year, the New Life project will also cover individual housing. At the first stage, it is planned to build at least 100 individual residential buildings at a reduced price with the provision of payment by installments for a period of not more than 7 years from the date the house was put into operation. Well, the first stage is 2019.

Dear friends! Last year, in connection with the completion of the federal program, the region assumed obligations to resettle citizens from emergency housing stock. Not much, but still managed to relocate 92 people from 6 emergency houses.

But already this year, federal support for the project of relocation from dilapidated housing is being resumed. In two years, 651 people from 22 emergency houses will be resettled.

Earlier, I noted the success of the Belgorod region in the implementation of programs for the overhaul of apartment buildings. Thus, in 2018, 222 high-rise buildings were repaired in the amount of 1.6 billion rubles. 130 elevators were put into operation for more than 220 million rubles. No less volume of capital repairs of apartment buildings is to be carried out this year. And in fact, in 2-2.5 years we completed the renovation program for the elevator industry in the Belgorod region.

Dear friends! Since 2019, we, like the whole country, have entered into new relations with the municipal solid waste management system. In this regard, preparatory organizational work was carried out over the past year. A regional operator was identified - the Center for Environmental Safety, which, by the way, I want to emphasize, is 100% owned by the Belgorod Region and is not among the "muddy", as they hastened to say. At the moment, tenders have been held, agreements have been concluded on the provision of services for the transportation and disposal of MSW.

I call on all residents of the region to approach the solution of the accumulated burden of problems in this area with understanding. There is a lot of work to clean up - this is the decommissioning and reclamation of exhausted landfills, the construction of two modern waste disposal facilities, waste transfer stations, waste sorting lines, the installation of recycling points, as well as the renewal of the container fleet and specialized equipment.

We need to create an ecological culture in the region: separate collection of household waste in apartment buildings and composting of organic waste in private courtyards, to increase the level of processing of municipal solid waste in the total amount of MSW from 5% as it is now to 34% by 2024. I ask the Department of Housing and Public Utilities to fix at the regulatory level a system of benefits for those who will conduct separate waste collection in apartment buildings, as well as for those who will compost organic waste in private courtyards.

I am sure that due to these measures, in a short time, dramatic, qualitative changes in the environment will be obvious to every inhabitant of the region, as the implementation of another long-term regional program, the Green Capital, has already proved. And we will only increase its pace with the joint efforts of the residents of the region.

Thus, to the 88 thousand hectares of land afforested over 10 years, another 14 thousand hectares will be added in the next 2 years and, thus, the total area of ​​afforestation in the region will increase by one and a half times.

The 5-year regional program of greening roadside areas is being successfully implemented. And this year we will start vertical gardening projects everywhere.

As a result of such systematic work, for a number of years Belgorod region has been consistently in the top five most prosperous regions in the environmental rating of the Green Patrol public organization.

We also expect a great environmental effect from the implementation of the project to switch regional transport to gas motor fuel, which will significantly reduce emissions of harmful substances into the environment and reduce noise impact. Along with this, the implementation of the project will provide annual savings of about 5 billion rubles a year. Within two or even one and a half years, at least 25 gas filling stations will be built in the region, their total number will reach 33. So we need to transfer vehicles to gas motor fuel faster. Moreover, the price of one liter of gas will be no more than 17 rubles. A liter of gasoline costs about 50 rubles - that is, almost three times less, and this difference will persist.

Traditionally, the Belgorod region is one of the regions with the safest roads. This fact is not accidental, since road construction costs annually amount to at least 15 billion rubles (in 2018 - 16.7 billion rubles). Over the past year, 668 km of roads and 17 bridges have been repaired. This year, a seven-year program of reconstruction and construction of main roads will be completed, connecting all regional centers with good roads, about half of which are four-lane. The cost of this program is 51 billion rubles. For the current year, 1.5 billion rubles remained. By the way, a four-lane road to Prokhorovka will be launched this year. This is at the expense of federal funds in accordance with the instruction of Russian President Vladimir Putin.

At the same time, the construction of night lighting in the main directions to settlements is being carried out. And not only to settlements, but also to settlements. Thus, last year 315 million rubles were spent on lighting over 130 km of roads.

Dear deputies! Let me inform you about the results of the work of the Government of the region in the social sphere.

Last year was the year of completion of the Health Management project. It has been implemented everywhere, except for the cities of Belgorod and Stary Oskol, where this project will be completed in the coming months.

The infrastructure of primary health care has been created. Since 2016, more than 500 offices of family doctors and FAPs have been built and renovated, for which more than 3 billion rubles from all sources of funding have been spent. We are very grateful to the heads of economic entities, especially in rural areas, who actively participated in this work. As a result, residents of the region received not only high-quality primary medical care, but also a system of medical prevention and education.

In addition, in 2018, 21 facilities in medical organizations in the region were built and overhauled in the amount of almost a billion rubles.

I would like to name the largest of them. The medical and diagnostic building and the polyclinic of the Veidelevskaya CRH have been repaired. Family medicine centers of Gubkin and Rakityanskaya CRH were built, as well as family medicine centers with clinical and diagnostic centers in the village of Maslova Pristan of the Shebekinsky city district and in the village of Severny of the Belgorod district. Major repairs of the medical building of the war veterans hospital in the village of Novaya Tavolzhanka of the Shebekinsky city district have been carried out. In addition, the cardiocenter "Heart Clinic" in Stary Oskol was opened.

Currently, a large-scale modernization of the Belgorod City Hospital No. 2 is being completed, which we will have as an emergency hospital and for which an impressive amount of budgetary and extra-budgetary funds has been allocated - more than 2 billion rubles.

By strengthening the material and technical base of healthcare, we understand that this alone is not enough to ensure the quality work of the industry. Changes are needed in the organization of the activities of our medical institutions. In this regard, a serious reorganization of the Belgorod healthcare system was carried out last year. There was a merger of a number of medical organizations in the region, which allowed us to create large, powerful, including specialized centers. And this, I want to say, is not optimization. This reorganization became a logical continuation of the implementation of the project "Health Management". So, in the city of Belgorod, a single polyclinic has been created on the basis of six polyclinics. A unified emergency hospital has been formed, the modernization of which according to international standards we plan to complete this year. A unified regional children's hospital has been created, which has integrated polyclinic and inpatient care for children. Similar changes have occurred in specialized institutions: the tuberculosis service and the blood service.

The reorganization was also carried out in the Starooskolsky city district. The Starooskolskaya District Hospital of St. Luke of the Crimea was established on the basis of several medical institutions.

What effect do we want to get from the merger and consolidation of healthcare organizations? The only one. We want to ensure the high quality of medical benefits provided to Belgorod residents.

If we talk about the results of the work of the healthcare industry, the key indicator - life expectancy - according to preliminary forecasts, it was possible to increase to 74 years. According to the indicator of total mortality, which last year amounted to 13.4 per 1000 population, the region ranks 3rd in the Central Federal District after Moscow and the Moscow region.

Dear friends! As you know, one of the factors of preserving and strengthening health is sports. In this regard, we are steadily working to ensure that all residents of the region, villagers and townspeople, have comfortable conditions within walking distance for sports and generally for healthy leisure. Last year, dozens of large and small sports facilities were introduced, and thanks to the Gazprom - Children social program, 6 sports and recreation complexes opened their doors in Borisovka, Volokonovka, Krasnaya Yaruga, Rovenki, Valuiki, S. A new Tavolzhanka of the Shebekinsky city district, as well as a multifunctional sports ground in the village of Prokhorovka. The total amount of funds spent is about 1.8 billion rubles. Currently, according to this program, an ice arena is being built in the village of Maysky, Belgorod district. In 2020, the construction of the FOCA in Tomarovka will begin. And Belgorod residents express their sincere gratitude to Gazprom for such generous investments in the development of sports in our region.

Our efforts to develop sports infrastructure have not been in vain. The share of residents of the region who systematically engage in physical education and sports has now increased to 43%, or 1.6 times in five years.

Dear deputies! Last year, as before, the subject of special concern of the regional Government was the support of the education system. Our task is simple and clear: all Belgorod children living in cities or villages should receive quality conditions for comprehensive personal development.

In the field of preschool education, we have ensured 100% accessibility of kindergartens for children aged 3 to 7 years and now we continue to eliminate the shortage of places for children under three years old. In 2018, 1,348 preschool places for a nursery group were created. Thus, 84% of children under 3 years of age are covered by preschool education.

In 2018, the construction of new schools continued. 4 schools have been put into operation: a school in mkr. Novy-2 Belgorod for 500 places, in the village of Yakovlevo for 198 school places, in the Prokhorovsky district for 100 school places, cultural development center with. Oktyabrskaya Gotnya of the Borisovsky district with a school for 100 places. Thus, almost 900 school places have been opened. This made it possible to provide an educational process in one shift for 97% of schoolchildren in our region.

In addition, 38 general education organizations, as well as an engineering youth boarding school for a total of 1.5 billion rubles were overhauled and reconstructed last year.

Our investments in education bring, I think, a good result. Almost 100% of the eleventh graders (99.8%) showed good knowledge of the Russian language, almost 97% confirmed basic knowledge in mathematics.

We have achieved new undoubted successes in the field of additional education. Our region, where 94% of schoolchildren are covered by additional programs, is a leader in the Central Federal District and one of the leaders in the country in this indicator.

Work continues on the development of children's technical creativity. A mini-technopark in Korochansky district was added to the regional children's technopark, where more than 800 children are engaged today. In general, about 35 thousand children in the region are engaged in technical associations - this is 18% of their total number.

It is gratifying that last year, thanks to the deputy of the Regional Duma Vladimir Fedorovich Zotov, the children's city of masters "Masterslavl" was opened, which has become not only a favorite place for children's leisure, but also a useful gaming platform that helps children to socialize in the modern world and choose a future profession. Thanks to Vladimir Fedorovich.

Our work with gifted children is moving in a fruitful way. The number of Belgorod schoolchildren - winners and prize-winners of All-Russian and international Olympiads and competitions in 2018 increased by 2 times compared to the previous year.

A wide coverage of children with various types of arts is provided. According to this indicator, our region ranks third in the Central Federal District.

Invariably, we work on the musical education of Belgorod children, which forms a harmonious personality. In 2018, 183 club formations of music education were created with a total coverage of almost 4 thousand children. The Musical Palette project not only introduces children to the basics of musical art, but also allows them to identify young talents.

Last year passed in our region as the Year of Children's reading. He fulfilled his main task - to ensure the mass immersion of children in the world of literature. We will continue to work on the formation of reading skills in children, as well as on the development of family reading.

Our professional education, both secondary and higher, is successfully developing. Thanks to the cooperation of government and business, a large-scale modernization of the infrastructure of colleges continues. Last year, the overhaul of 8 facilities of professional educational organizations was completed, almost 300 million rubles were spent for these purposes. In addition, last year 3 professional educational organizations became winners of the grant competition of the Ministry of Education of Russia for equipping the material and technical base. As a result, the region received 116 million rubles of federal funds.

If we talk about higher education, dear friends, and the development of science, then last year was marked by the opening in our region of the third Representative Office of the Russian Academy of Sciences in the country after the Republic of Bashkortostan and the Ulyanovsk region. This opens up huge opportunities for us in expanding the scientific ties of our region with the leading scientific centers of Russia, promoting high-tech developments and technologies in our field.

Let me remind you that a year ago we set a task for the leading universities of the region to become city-forming centers and enterprises. It is gratifying that Belgorod State University and V.G. Shukhov Technological University are close to acquiring this status.

In 2018, the total revenue from entrepreneurial and scientific and innovative activities of these universities amounted to over 3 billion rubles. This is one of the best indicators in Russia. About 500 jobs have been created at the production and research and innovation sites of universities.

Dear friends! As in previous years, we have spared no effort and resources to develop a vibrant and full-fledged cultural environment, so that our fellow countrymen have all the conditions for interesting cultural leisure, creative activities, and the realization of their talents.

A source:

Investment Address from the Governor - 2018

Report of the Governor of the region Yevgeny Savchenko on the results of the activities of the Regional Government in 2017
Dear deputies of the Belgorod Regional Duma! Dear invitees, dear friends!

The beginning of 2018 was marked by a fateful event in the life of our country – the election of the President of the Russian Federation. Therefore, before proceeding to the report, I would like to cordially thank all residents of the region for supporting the candidacy of Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin. Our consolidation around common goals and unity in defending the interests of the Motherland is the main guarantee of prosperity and well-being of all Russians!

Today our country is going through a time of large-scale socio-economic and social transformations. And the Belgorod region has actively joined them. At the center of all our actions: managerial, economic, and social, there is a Man, a simple Belgorod resident.

In this regard, I see the mission of the Government of the Belgorod Region in order to further improve the welfare of the residents of the region through economic development, develop social and life-supporting infrastructure, take care of vulnerable citizens, as well as encourage and stimulate civic activity and develop public institutions of self-government.

And we will continue this work far from a low start. The relatively high quality of life of Belgorod residents is objectively evidenced by sociological studies conducted recently by federal experts.

Thus, according to the level of satisfaction of the population with medical care, housing and communal services and the activities of executive authorities to ensure the safety of citizens, we occupy the first places in Russia.


Of course, 58% is a small level, this is just a good incentive to continue improving work, especially on medical care.

According to the level of satisfaction of the population with the state of general education, the activities of executive authorities to ensure the safety of the population from emergency situations, we are second in the All-Russian rating. And this is a great merit, first of all, of our Ministry of Emergency Situations.
According to the level of satisfaction of the population with the conditions for physical culture and sports, we are among the three leaders.
And such an assessment by Belgorod residents of the state of the social sphere, recorded by independent experts, is, of course, pleasant to us. But we do not intend to stop there.

The head of our state, Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin, has set a task: to ensure sustainable growth of the economy and real incomes of citizens and to halve the level of poverty. Belgorod region is ready to perform this task. Our economic and social development programs and our main financial resource – the regional consolidated budget - are aimed at this.
It is not difficult to see from the structure of expenditures for 2017 presented on the slide that the regional budget is clearly socially oriented.

I would like to note that for the first time in the last 20 years, the regional budget was executed with a surplus of 1.4 billion rubles last year, and its revenues were increased by 20.2% compared to the previous year.

In 2017, the regional economy successfully reflected all macroeconomic challenges and steadily increased production volumes. At the end of the year, industrial growth was 106%. Mining and metallurgical and agri-food complex, mechanical engineering, production of building materials, biopharmaceutical and other industries were developing dynamically.  

A number of significant investment projects for the Belgorod region with a total value of more than 40 billion rubles have been completed, and total investments in fixed assets amounted to 140 billion rubles last year.
Is it a lot or a little? Of course, this is a high level, although we still need to add at least 50 billion investments to the desired 25% of the gross regional product.

Agriculture, both crop production and animal husbandry, which occupies a leading position in Russia, developed steadily and dynamically, as in previous years. To characterize the level of development of agriculture in our region, I will say the following: thanks to Belgorod agricultural producers, our country is experiencing the anti-sanctions regime safely.

Under the vigilant care of the regional Government – the formation of favorable conditions for the development of the entrepreneurial sphere, where almost every fourth working resident of our region works today.

Industrial (industrial) parks are growing at a successful pace. Our first industrial park "Severny" has been practically formed in the Belgorod region, in which there are already more than 30 residents and more than two thousand employees, as well as the Volokonovsky industrial Park is under formation. At the end of last year, it was decided to create an industrial park "Boiler" in the Starooskolsky city district, which, in our opinion, has a very great future. The implementation of projects for the creation of industrial parks "Fabrika" and "Yuzhny" on the territory of the Belgorod region has begun. And every district of the region is actually ready to develop, even if at first small, industrial parks.

Last year, new regional programs for the creation of small enterprises in rural areas were launched. A portfolio of 168 projects of the regional program "500/10 000" has already been formed with the creation of 1300 jobs, and this work will continue. In addition, within the framework of the target program "I am a rural entrepreneur", 50 grants were provided last year for a total amount of almost 300 million rubles.

I would like to emphasize that in the whole region, thanks to effective measures for the development and support of the regional economy, more than 12.5 thousand new high-paying jobs were created in 2017. Data on types of economic activity are shown on the slide.
The unemployment rate for the year fell to a record, I would even say, historically low level - 0.68%.

Dear friends! Today, the country has embarked on an innovative and technological transformation of all spheres of human activity. To this end, four Councils were created last year under my leadership, which act as expert platforms and coordination centers for maximum concentration of administrative and managerial resources in solving the upcoming tasks of transferring the economy, social sphere and society as a whole to a new qualitative level.

One of the most important tasks in the economy is the transition to the so-called industry 4.0., which includes the analysis of large amounts of data, the industrial Internet of things, concepts such as a "smart" house, a "smart" city, a digital enterprise, three-dimensional modeling, robotics, and so on.  

And today we are actively creating the foundation for building a digital economy. An information technology cluster has been formed, uniting 27 IT companies. This year, a specialized IT park will open, which is designed to respond to the digital challenges of our economy. But the most important thing that we have to do, dear colleagues, in the near future: every medium and large enterprise should have its own digital transformation plan and start implementing it. This is a challenge of time. I think we all understand this very well and will definitely follow this path.

And on the other hand, in order to increase labor productivity, a radical restructuring of management and production processes is necessary through the introduction of so-called lean innovations. In other words, "to do more, better, faster and at a lower cost."

In our region, lean management mechanisms are already being successfully implemented at a number of large enterprises: at the Stoilensky and Lebedinsky GOK, in the EFKO company, at the Starooskolsky plant of automotive electrical equipment named after Anatoly Mikhailovich Mamonov. But for a full-scale leap forward in improving production efficiency, an integrated approach and the participation of all subjects of the regional economy, including municipal enterprises, and, no less important, enterprises and institutions of the social sphere: healthcare, education, social protection, are necessary. And the tone here should be set not only, and maybe not so much by the Regional Government, as by municipalities and their creative teams of performers.

In this vein, the work of the Government of the Belgorod region on the development of the regional economy and the restructuring of the social sphere in the current and subsequent years will be built.

Dear deputies and those present in this hall! One of the strategic vectors of the region's development is the qualitative improvement of the living environment. Our goal is simple and clear – to turn Belgorod region into a territory of high living standards, and we are systematically moving towards this goal with you.

More than 1 million 300 thousand square meters of housing were commissioned in the Belgorod region in 2017. The population has built more than 8 thousand individual residential buildings with an area of almost 1 million 100 thousand square meters. The share of individual housing amounted to 82% of the total volume by the end of last year. This is a good indicator.

I would like to note that individual housing construction is our Belgorod philosophy for years to come. And I would say the Belgorod dream. In this regard, a whole range of measures to support individual developers is being systematically implemented in the region. And one of the latest novelties is an increase in the construction time of a house from 5 to 7 years for those who received plots in the Belgorod Mortgage Corporation (which, by the way, is 90% of all our developers). During this period, as you know, developers are not presented with any legal claims. And it affected almost 25 thousand families.

At the same time, I would like to express concern about the large disparity in the volume of housing and communal services among the municipalities of the region per inhabitant, as can be seen from the following table.
The spread, you see, is one to three. The highest rate of housing commissioning in the Belgorod urban agglomeration is over 1 square meter. The lowest – 0.3 meters square in some areas of our region.

And today we must take measures to equalize the housing commissioning rate per inhabitant by municipalities, for which we should provide more economic benefits to rural residents when building their own homes. Moreover, the further away from the regional and district centers, the more significant these benefits will be. We are already working on such proposals.

This year, the project "New Life", which has started loudly and is being implemented at a no less rapid pace, will continue to provide young families and specialists with inexpensive, high-quality housing in installments and at a reduced cost. The goal is to ensure the annual commissioning of at least 1,000 apartments for this project.
And by July 2018, the first 780 apartments will be commissioned, and more than 600 more will be on the waiting list. This year, the implementation of this project begins in other municipalities of our region.

We also plan to expand the volume of housing for orphans. 295 apartments will be commissioned this year, which is 43 more than in 2017.

Major repairs of multi-apartment housing will continue. By the way, according to the results of the work on the overhaul of housing over the past year, our region took first place in the Russian Federation. At the same time as the overhaul, almost 400 elevators were replaced last year, and 124 this year. And the severity of this problem will be removed.

As for the resettlement of citizens from emergency housing, a five-year federal program was completed in the region last year.

As you can see on the slide, 336 emergency houses have been resettled in five years, almost 7 thousand people have moved into modern housing, spending funds from budgets of all levels for these purposes amounted to more than 3 billion rubles.
Nevertheless, despite the successful implementation of the resettlement program, houses in disrepair are additionally identified every year, which objectively does not make sense to overhaul. Now 22 high-rise buildings are recognized as such. In the near future, 90 more will be added to them, of which almost 3 thousand people will need to be resettled. About 3 billion rubles will be required for these purposes. And of course, we will find ways to solve this problem.

Dear friends! Last year, a new party project "Formation of a comfortable urban environment" was launched. According to the results of its implementation, the Belgorod region took 5th place in the rating of regions of the Russian Federation.
4 municipalities of the Belgorod region took part in the project: Belgorod, Belgorod and Shebekinsky districts, Gubkin city district. The total amount of funds within the framework of the federal project amounted to 475.6 million rubles.

In addition, another 3 billion rubles were allocated for the improvement of settlements from the consolidated regional budget and extra-budgetary funds, in fact, for the implementation of the same project. And they are mastered. 82 yard territories have been overhauled, including 62 in the city of Belgorod.

This year, 4 billion rubles from all sources of financing have already been planned for the implementation of the improvement program. As part of the implementation of the program "Formation of a comfortable urban environment", it is planned to improve more than 90 courtyards and public places. A particularly significant amount is to be done in the Starooskolsky city district in accordance with the adopted three-year renovation program of the city district. The so-called upgrade of the Old Oskol. It is very important that everywhere all stages of the implementation of complex landscaping will be carried out and controlled directly by the residents of the region and their public formations.

At the same time, dear colleagues, we are not reducing, but on the contrary, increasing investments in road construction. In 2017, 16.7 billion rubles were allocated for the construction and overhaul of roads and bridges. No less will be mastered this year.

Our task is to bring the supporting road network into a normative state, which has long since failed to meet the increased volumes of cargo transportation.

Last year, the practice of combining road repairs with the simultaneous improvement of the surrounding space both in settlements and outside them proved to be well established.
This year, also, no road construction object will be accepted without the implementation of a project for the arrangement of the adjacent territory.

Dear deputies! Last year in Russia was marked by the Year of Ecology. The Belgorod region has not remained aloof from the implementation of a whole range of measures aimed at improving the environment and ensuring the environmental sustainability of the region. Special attention was paid to the cleanliness of air and water, the development of the recreational potential of our region, the creation of small sewage treatment plants, restoring order in the disposal of municipal solid waste, environmental education of the population.

The widespread development of the region continues within the framework of the current regional program "Green Capital". The area of afforestation for 8 years of the program has increased by more than 80 thousand hectares, that is, the area of forests in the Belgorod region has increased by 1/3. It used to be 200-250 thousand hectares, 80 thousand more were added to them. Including in 2017 – 7.5 thousand hectares . And we will continue this program.
Moreover, over the past 2 years, 163 oak forests with a total area of more than 2 thousand hectares have been laid in all districts of the Belgorod region, which has become a significant contribution to the restoration of the forest fund of the region from its traditional tree species, which is, of course, oak. And this year, thanks to BELG, a very interesting project has been launched – a project of breeding and mass distribution of a decorative culture especially beloved by Belgorod residents - lilac. They have ambitious plans to make the city of Belgorod the world center of lilac. I think they will succeed.

Last year, within the framework of measures to provide the population with clean drinking water, work was carried out on the construction of water supply and sanitation networks for a total amount of almost 300 million rubles. This year, the program's budget has been almost doubled. And from next year, at least 1 billion rubles of budget funds and 300 million rubles of water supply enterprises themselves will be planned for these purposes. We expect that by 2022 the water management complex of the region will be one of the best in Russia.

This is what the measures aimed at centralizing the management of municipal water utilities are aimed at. In general, we need to think about creating a single national enterprise to provide water to the population and, of course, sanitation. And it will be deeply symbolic, because water is our national welfare. And so, maybe then other subsoil users will take an example from this approach and follow the path of populization.

Dear friends! We are aware that the main wealth of agriculture is not grain, not meat and milk, but soil. Therefore, all land users of the region will continue with renewed vigor to continue the program of biologization of agriculture. For its scientific support, a Soil Protection Center will be created (in fact, it is already being created) on the basis of a local agricultural enterprise in the village of Yablonovo, Korochansky district. And it is deeply symbolic that a kind of fortress to protect our main wealth - Russian chernozem - will be located in the former Old Russian fortress - in the city of Yablonovo, which was one of the leading fortresses on the Belgorod zasechnaya line.

Thus, dear friends, within the framework of the large mega-project "Belgorod Region - man-made park", both existing regional programs for improving environmental safety and landscaping of the region and new projects aimed at aesthetic content and architectural integrity in the arrangement of our villages, districts and cities will be continued, for which we are developing or have already developed appropriate standards. Not just to do as anyone wants, but in accordance with the developed standards that are necessary to develop unified modern approaches both in landscaping and in the construction of facilities, which will allow building not "regular square meters" and passing the next kilometers of roads, but to create a new habitat for Belgorod residents.
In general, our initiatives fit perfectly into the large-scale federal program of spatial development of Russia. I am convinced that we hold a confident leadership here, as we will not have to start from scratch, Belgorod residents have already done a lot.

Dear friends! Never before have we been engaged in such a comprehensive modernization of the healthcare system as in the last two years. We started with the basics of the basics - the primary link. As part of the implementation of the Health Management project, 433 medical institutions were built and renovated in rural areas during this period - these are FAPs and offices of family doctors.
The total amount of expenses, including construction, repair, purchase of equipment, computerization and training, exceeded 1.5 billion rubles. No less large-scale work is to be implemented to strengthen family medicine and primary pediatric care in cities and district centers this year. Almost 2 billion rubles are provided for these purposes in the regional budget.

Family medicine is the basis of the fundamentals of health protection. And in fact, it is a reliable alternative – I will now say something that some will not like - insurance medicine, which also has the right to exist, but with healthcare funding that is many times higher than the existing level of funding in our country. Therefore, paradoxically, we are not rich enough to spare money to strengthen family medicine, the main task of which is to prevent diseases. And we will bring this project to an end this year throughout the region.

But we do not stop only at the modernization of primary health care. On the contrary, now that the implementation of the Health Management project is entering its final phase, it becomes clearer to us what to do in other areas of healthcare. So, this year the modernization of the Belgorod City Hospital No. 2 will be completed with more than 1 billion rubles of funding from extra-budgetary sources, and it will become, in fact, a regional center for the provision of world-class emergency medical care. And with the launch of the Heart Clinic hospital in Stary Oskol, the creation of an effective system of care for cardiovascular diseases in the field will be completed. Mortality from this disease is planned to be reduced by 2 times within 5 years, and this is three saved lives for every thousand people. Well, it's easy to calculate for the region: one and a half thousand times three - it turns out 4.5 thousand, it is by this figure that the mortality rate of the population will decrease.

Further. This year we are starting the construction of a hematology center for the treatment of patients with blood cancer, and together with the EFKO company, on the initiative of the Honored Doctor of the Russian Federation, Deputy of the Belgorod Regional Duma Vladimir Fedorovich Kulikovsky, the creation of a cell technology center is being completed, which will prevent future diseases.

Undoubtedly, the introduction of patient-oriented technologies and lean management contributes to improving the quality of medical benefits. In this regard, we set the task of switching all medical organizations of the region to lean management mode by the end of this year. I also consider it important in this regard to consider the possibility of outsourcing auxiliary functions that are not core for medical organizations (such as washing clothes and overalls, catering for patients, cleaning rooms), leaving medical workers with the main responsibility – taking care of the health of Belgorod residents.

Of course, we must pay the most serious attention to the health of the younger generation. And we are concerned about the fact that almost 1/3 of Belgorod children under the age of 17 suffer from disorders of the musculoskeletal system and musculoskeletal system. First of all, I ask family doctors and district pediatricians to take this issue seriously and take all comprehensive measures to correct the situation, because a healthy back is the basis of a person's good health for his whole life.

We also have a difficult task to form the unconditional responsibility of every citizen for their own health. Persuasive conversations alone are not enough. I believe that concrete, practical actions are needed, as is done in Finland or Germany, where our specialists have recently visited, where patients' fulfillment of prescriptions and recommendations of family doctors is clearly monitored. An information system will be able to help in this, within the framework of which a mechanism for monitoring the execution of appointments by family doctors and pediatricians will be developed. 

Thus, in the coming years we will have a large-scale work to create a healthy space. It includes ecological improvement of territories, improvement of water and food quality, compliance with sanitary and environmental norms and rules. But most importantly, the formation of a healthy outlook of Belgorod residents, the stimulation of good physical, psychological, moral and spiritual well-being, the introduction of a healthy lifestyle philosophy in the broadest sense of the word.

Investing in the health of Belgorod residents, we invariably create conditions for maximum coverage of residents of the region with physical culture and sports, we continue to increase the sports infrastructure.
A great help in strengthening the material and technical base of sports was provided by the Gazprom - Children social program, thanks to which the sports infrastructure of our region was replenished with ten objects last year, including four ice arenas in the cities of Builder and Grayvoron, the villages of Chernyanka and Rovenki. And this year the ice palace will be built in the village of Maysky, Belgorod region. And in total, 12 ice palaces will function in the region, taking into account the previously built ones.

Today, 40% of our residents are systematically engaged in sports, and in 10-15 years we should approach the level of leading European countries, where this coverage is about 70-80%. Sports, physical culture should become an integral part of the life of every Belgorod resident.

Dear friends! As in previous years, much is being done in the region to create an accessible and modern educational environment that nurtures high-quality human capital.

The development of the preschool education system continues.
The issue of providing children aged 3 to 7 years with places in kindergartens has been resolved. For children under 3 years of age, this task was completed by 82.5%. Therefore, this year the region has joined the federal project to create nursery groups for children under the age of 3, which will allow introducing about 1.5 thousand additional places this year. And by 2021, we set a goal to ensure one hundred percent accessibility of preschool education for kids of all ages.

Last year we continued the formation of a modern school infrastructure.
Within the framework of the federal program for the elimination of two-shift education, 2,060 new school places were created over the past year alone, 2 new schools were put into operation: in the Belgorod district and the city of Belgorod.

This year, a school will be introduced in the Novy-2 microdistrict of Belgorod, 3 schools with kindergartens in the Belgorod, Yakovlevsky, Prokhorovsky districts, reconstructed school No. 3 in Shebekino, as well as more than 20 schools in the region will be overhauled. At the same time, the construction of a school for 1000 places in the village of Razumnoye in the Belgorod region began this year, which will be commissioned next year.
Last year we set the task to eliminate educational inequality by all possible measures so that all children, regardless of their place of residence and subjective factors, receive a high-quality education and confident results in exams. To this end, the project "Formula of Success" was launched in the region. It includes 76 schools.

Our work on the development of the creative abilities of the younger generation brings good results. Today, more than 94% of children aged 5 to 18 are enrolled in additional education – this is almost 20% more than five years ago.

Conditions for children's technical creativity are being improved.
Currently, 18% of children are engaged in technical circles. By 2020, we plan to increase this indicator by at least 2 times. There is an increasing opinion about the need to include preschool children in technical creativity. The issue is debatable, so I suggest that the pedagogical community carefully consider it and make suggestions.

By June 1 of this year, thanks to the efforts of the deputy of the Regional Duma Zotov Vladimir Fedorovich, the Children's City of Masters in Belgorod "Masterslavl" will open its doors, which will unite several dozen workshops on a variety of activities and will become a good auxiliary platform for socialization and professional self-determination of young Belgorod residents.

At the same time, we are setting ourselves ambitious new goals: to increase the number of winners and prize-winners of All-Russian and international Olympiads three times by 2020. The implementation of the fan project "The Way to Olympus" will undoubtedly contribute to this.

Work continues to expand the musical education of children.

We will continue to make full use of such a comprehensive educational resource as reading. Interest in reading, despite the forecasts of skeptics, is growing. It is no coincidence that 2018 has been declared the Year of Children's Reading in Belgorod region. And, of course, in the Year of Children's Reading, I consider it necessary to hold a regional competition for the most reading school and the most reading municipal territory.

We will continue to develop secondary vocational education in the region, as we have done so far. Our successes in this area have been noticed at the federal level. Starting this year, the region will act as a mentor for other subjects of Russia on the implementation of the Standard of Personnel support for industrial growth.

At the same time, the tasks of technological breakthrough facing the region and the country require new large-scale transformations in the field of training workers. And in the coming years, we need to form a modern, powerful, world-standard training base in the organizations of secondary vocational education in the region. And there is something to work on here. Thus, the average depreciation of buildings and structures in our technical schools is 56%. Almost 2/3 of educational institutions remain under-equipped. Already in 2018-2019, we need to repair and re–equip all rural and village technical schools and colleges with modern equipment, and until 2021, inclusive, all urban ones.

A few words about high school. At a time when our region and the country are entering a period of rapid technological transformation of the economy, our universities should become key innovative locomotives in this area. The huge scientific and innovative potential of Belgorod universities should be aimed at modernizing all spheres of our life. And it's time for the city of Belgorod (Konstantin Alekseevich Polezhaev), the Regional Government, together with the Council of Rectors, to seriously think about making the universities of the regional center become city-forming enterprises. And this will happen if the Belarusian State University, technological, agricultural universities, and other universities become at the same time large employers for their graduates. In this regard, the initiative of the City of Moscow on the creation of research and production clusters deserves attention. This idea corresponds well with our decision to create innovative technology parks. I ask the relevant departments of the regional Government, together with universities, to work on this issue. The opening of the Representative Office of the Academy of Sciences of the Russian Federation in the Belgorod region will also contribute to this.

Dear friends! Every year we make serious investments in a high-quality cultural environment that educates a morally and spiritually rich, highly developed personality, creates creative energy of creation in the region. In this regard, the infrastructure of the cultural sector is being actively improved.
So, an important event last year was the opening after the reconstruction of the theater for children and youth in Stary Oskol. A unique made theater. This major project worth more than 600 million rubles was implemented not for budget money, but thanks primarily to the efforts of the deputy of the Regional Duma Gavrilov Nikolay Konstantinovich.

Over the past year, the material and technical base of club institutions has significantly strengthened. Thanks to the project of the United Russia party, 40 cultural institutions of the region in each district received new equipment.

Big plans for the modernization of cultural and leisure institutions are planned in the coming years. In the next 5 years, we plan to build 18 cultural institutions, carry out the necessary overhaul of all cultural and leisure organizations in all municipalities.

Modern information technologies also do not bypass culture, which open up new opportunities for acquaintance with the masterpieces of domestic and world culture. In these conditions, our culture needs to increase its competitiveness. It is gratifying that in recent years, bright, large-scale and high-quality events have appeared, which immediately became centers of mass attraction of people.

The possibilities of the tourism sector can and should come to the rescue here. And for this, we will continue to support the initiatives of municipalities to create high-quality recreational infrastructure in all districts of the region.

And we always repeat, like a mantra, that we will never spare money or other resources to support and develop our cultural sphere, because it unites the whole space, creates a good mood, a good emotional resource for solving all other tasks, including material ones. Therefore, culture is our priority, and we will continue to support it in every possible way.

Dear friends! Our progressive movement continues along the strategically important path of solidarization of Belgorod society. I, like most Belgorod residents, understand solidarity as a process of forming a space of constant positive changes.

We have chosen the affirmation of social justice in all spheres and branches of life as a key vector for further solidarization of Belgorod residents. I have already focused attention on the need to ensure long-term growth of real incomes of citizens, including in the public sector as part of the implementation of the "May" presidential decrees.

At the same time, our respected business community should fully realize the importance of a fair distribution of income between the owners of the enterprise and labor collectives. This most important social mission of business is becoming more and more significant not only in the light of the federal trend of caring for a person and the quality of his life, but also in the context of the ongoing global paradigm shift in the development of human civilization from capitalism to a humanistic worldview, the name of which philosophers have yet to come up with. In this regard, we must develop a qualitatively new, constructive, fair model of the relationship between government, business and society.

And of course, serious changes are needed in the management sphere itself and, above all, in the executive authorities. It is gratifying that the Belgorod executive power improves the quality of its work from year to year. Thus, according to the assessment by the Government of the Russian Federation of the level of maturity of the system of project activities of the subjects of the Russian Federation, the Belgorod Region took first place at the end of last year. This was announced last week at the Krasnoyarsk Economic Forum.

However, we are obliged to move on, and today, when a person is at the center of socio-economic transformations in the country, the quality of his life, authorities, local self-government and all structures providing state, municipal, social services should be human-oriented, and the main principles of our work, if you want, the basis of official corporate culture should be openness, competence, sincere, genuine attention to a person, his needs and initiatives.

To do this, we will continue to persistently implement lean manufacturing standards, reduce paperwork, eliminate duplication of functions, and accelerate various approvals. In other words, every official should become a permanent center of dynamic creation.
The reform of local self-government bodies will also contribute to this. So, it is planned to add 6 more urban districts to the two existing urban districts – Starooskolsky and Gubkinsky (we have seen the effectiveness of management in recent years).

Without a doubt, qualitative changes in the government are impossible without replenishing the management apparatus with talented and qualified personnel. I think that the "Declare Yourself" portal, which was launched last year, will become an effective platform for attracting decent personnel to the management sphere, as well as a good professional elevator for competent, purposeful, patriotic young people. By the way, I don't see anything wrong with combining the social elevators of power, business and the social sphere to promote talented managers. In Soviet times, who still remembers, it was this approach that gave a colossal renovationist effect in the management of all spheres of life.

Dear friends! It is quite obvious that the large-scale, complex movement of our region and the country towards a high quality of life cannot be ensured by the efforts of the authorities alone. It is necessary to connect such a powerful resource as effective, informal civil institutions.

We must make sure that all public organizations in the region – and we have about two thousand of them registered - work in full force, in a socially useful way.

Such a colossal creative resource as territorial public self–government - TOSY - should be activated everywhere. I think we should multiply - both financially and morally - increase support for the TOSOV movement. And the local authorities should captivate people, ignite the fire of creation in their hearts. The effectiveness of CBT is the key indicator by which we will judge the quality of the work of local governments.

Of course, social activity begins with small deeds for the benefit of your street, village, village, yard, apartment building, what we figuratively call "small homeland". It is gratifying that this year, on the initiative of public organizations, the project "65 good deeds" (slide No. 24) was launched in each municipality, dedicated to the upcoming anniversary of our region. I am sure that this action should become a nationwide project of doing good for our common good.

Dear friends! Dear deputies! It is quite obvious that Belgorod region is on a solid platform of socio-economic success. We built it together, with our conscientious work, with a fervent love for our native Belgorod land. And today, fully supporting the course of the President of Russia, we are actively rushing forward, embarking on new grandiose frontiers and starting this in a landmark year for the Belgorod region, in the year of the 75th anniversary of the Battle of Kursk, the Prokhorov Tank Battle, in the year of the liberation of Belgorod land from Nazi invaders. Together, paying tribute to the greatest feat of our heroic fathers, grandfathers, great-grandfathers, let's make this glorious jubilee year a time of rapid socio-economic growth of our beautiful Belgorod region and our great Fatherland - Russia!

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